What Causes Bloating And How to Avoid It?
The human body is a complex system working together in a complex and synchronous manner. The digestive system is an important part and is often in trouble as it is frequently exposed to the toxins and pathogens from the external environment. Although our gut is armed with a number of protective factors, sometimes it is the very protections that result in lots of problems. We have all been bloated at some point in our lives and it can be difficult to handle.

What is Bloating and why does it happen?
The condition occurs when the gut is filled with gas. It can feel different for different people, but it is generally described as a painfully tight, and swollen abdomen that feels very full. Here are a number of reasons which could result in the accumulation of gas in your abdomen to cause such an episode along with some remedies that you can use to treat it. Knowing them can help you evade and treat bloating effectively.
Indigestion, perhaps the most common cause. Inability to digest the food leaves it in the gut for long periods. It is acted upon by gas forming bacteria which causes the production of excessive gas that results in bloating. Some common causes of indigestion include gastritis, gallstones, peptic ulcers and even anxiety.
Food allergies, sometimes a hidden allergy can be the reason for bloating. Remember how you get bloated after eating certain foods? Well, chances are you have an allergy to those foods and are better off without them. Common allergies include hypersensitivity to eggs, peanuts and even certain grains like wheat.
Infections, certain parasites such as amoebae or bacteria like E.coli and salmonella can make their way into your GIT system and attack the intestinal wall. There they feed on your gut contents and start producing lots of gas and toxins which result in painful bloating. These infections are common in the tropics, but can also occur due to outbreaks and poor hygiene.
Constipation, usually the constipated feces block the progress of food through the gut. As a result, the food accumulates and is acted upon by gas producing bacteria. Furthermore, as the gas doesn’t have any route to escape, it stays within the gut and results in the typical bloating sensation.
Antibiotics, prolonged use of antibiotics can result in the removal of healthy bacteria from the gut. Once the toxic bacteria take up their places, they produce excessive gasses and toxins which result in a harmful, instead of a beneficial effect.
How to avoid bloating?
So, now that you know of all the things that could be aggravating the problem, you can figure out the factors that may have caused it in your case. Eliminating the causes one by one can help you determine the likely cause and hence pinpoint the legitimate reason for bloating. You can avoid it in the future so that you won't have to deal with bloating in the first place. Besides this, you can also try some of these remedies, which will help keep your gut working at its best and hence, will help you avoid bloating.
Avoid artificial sweeteners, these products contain sorbitol and aspartame that can trigger bloating and set off a painful episode.
Avoid exercise and sleep immediately after eating, sometimes it is just the daily routine that is exaggerating your problem. Sleeping or running immediately after you eat can direct the blood away from your GIT. Our food is left undigested which results in bloating.
Raw veggies, a moderate amount is all good, but consuming excessive amounts can be too much for our intestines to handle. The food load is tough to break down leading to long transit times in the gut and bloating.
Probiotics, these are live, healthy bacteria that are beneficial for replenishing a healthy gut environment. Especially after an episode of diarrhea, constipation or antibiotic-induced bloating, probiotics can really readjust the gut flora and help hasten recovery. Certain probiotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus Plantarum are homofermentative. This means that they only produce lactic acid and no gas. So, in effect, they help prevent bloating and don’t produce any gasses of their to cause trouble in any way.
All these causes and remedies will surely help enhance your knowledge about bloating. Now that you know what is causing the problem, treating it becomes much easier. You don’t have to suffer from a tight, painful belly. You just need to consider your routine and fix certain aspects to avoid the episodes altogether.