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The Strawberry Nice-cream!

We can say that the summer is officially here as the weather is getting better and better and we have so many beautiful sunny days. If there is something that we all enjoy and puts us right in great mood, especially during the summer, this should be a refreshing, sweet and delicious ice cream.

However, ice-cream is normally pointed as delicious but also unhealthy food. And let's admit it - the last thing we want for the summer is to gain some weight. Thankfully there is a healthy version of the ice-cream which is as sweet and delicious as the original and you can make it easy at home.

Here is our plant-based nice-cream recipe:


  • 2 frozen banana

  • cup of frozen strawberries

  • half a cup of soaked cashews

  • coconut water/soy milk


The night before put the bananas and strawberries in the freezer and put the cashews in water and leave to soak overnight. In the morning wash the cashews and put everything in a blender. Blend till smooth. Serve and consume chilled.


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